Autism Acceptance Month (April)

Autism Acceptance Month (April)

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain.  1 in 36 kids at aged 2-9 years are diagnosed with ASD and is 4 times more common in boys than among girls.  There is still so much to learn about what exactly causes autism.  As children become adolescents and adults, it's very hard for them to develop and maintain friendships.  It is also difficult to understand behaviors, social cues and communicating, either at school or on the job. These characteristics can make life more challenging.

Our beautiful and joyful son, Shep, was diagnosed with ASD at age 2 1/2 years.  Fortunately we were able to receive early intervention and get him enrolled in ABA therapy right away. Shep graduated ABA therapy and at 5 1/2 years, we enrolled him in a nearby mainstream school (public elementary school), connected with other happy little kiddos. Now at age 7 years, Shep continues to thrive, making new friends and further attends speech and occupational therapy once a week on-top of a typical school day to improve his reading, writing and social skills. As proud parents as we are, we could not be anymore happier.

Being perfect is not a requirement. Believe in yourself.  Our mantra every morning before school is "I choose to be positive, I choose to be confident and do MY best!"

Remember to always be kind; it doesn't cost a single dime.  Kind words encourages the soul.

"A kind soul Is the most beautiful of all" - Anonymous

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